
THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH: This 49er team has a deep sense of pride and loyality to...

Posted by Angel Perea on

THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH: This 49er team has a deep sense of pride and loyality to the winning tradition that was previoulsy established. Unfortunately, this team have been betrayed by poor decision making by GM Baalke and upper mgt. They thought they could foolishly just replace anyone without thinking of long term consequences. Their unwise decisions have underminded the foundation of past success that had been established. And now the Vet locker room that once was our source of strength and pride is "brewing with internal tension and doubt that never existed. This is so sad! Shame on you Mr. Baalke. As a 49er faithful, this "pisses" me off! Hey, Mr. De Bartolo advise York to hire Holmgren to bring some expert field leadership and if necessary remove Baalke.

Report: Players-Only Meeting Led To 'Heated Exchange' Over Colin Kaepernick

Can't we all just get along?

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