THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH: If I was Mr York, I would want to delay as long as...
Posted by Angel Perea on
THE INCONVENIENT TRUTH: If I was Mr York, I would want to delay as long as possible making statements about my recent decisions that he and Mr. Baalke made leading up to this season! It is quite evident that they have unwittingly created an organize mess! It is unfortunate but apparent that his 49ers front office "has created a soap opera climate in the post-Jim Harbaugh era with press reports that team discord now exist in locker room with possible fractured relationships between players such as Kaepernick and some of his teammates." It is clear that since the end of last season, there was a "feeling of unrest that I believe may have influenced the exodus of so many outstanding, proud Vets as well as a "shifted players’ thoughts from on-the-field competition to gossiping and a backstabbing work environment!" Now we all know why Coach Tomsula was so uncomfortable when he was announced by Mr. Baalke as the new head Coach and why all of our top assistant coaches run out the door and no longer wanted to part of this previous successful 49er organization! This has never happened before, even during those losing seasons of the past! So Speaking as long time 49er faithful, I do not like to be critical of OUR team. However, I wish to convey my condolences to Mr. Baalke and Mr. York for their mismanagement and poor to mediocre “re-load” decision-making. In less than a year, they have taken a perennial Superbowl contender to become a non-play-off team with less experienced Vets and too many talented but inexperienced players with a mediocre patch work of a coaching staff! I am both Sad and Disgusted at the same time!
Jed York: Will address media at later date
The 49ers CEO had an impromptu visit that lasted several minutes with a group of reporters who were coming off the practice field this morning. York hasn’t addressed a group of local reporters since the NFL owners meetings in Phoenix in March. York promoted Jim Tomsula from defensive line coach afte…