
First rule of Dreams, Dare to dream what you want to become, all personal...

Posted by Cherie Safapou on

First rule of Dreams, Dare to dream what you want to become, all personal achievement starts in the mind, lets flash those m.f. human hunters, yes we can watch us or join us RESOLUTION FOR JUDICIAL INTEGRITy Whereas: over 58, 000 children are turned over to named, identified abusers annually in the United States (according to CDC statistics) and in view of a consistent pattern of judges ignoring and often even hiding evidence of domestic violence and child sexual abuse such as police reports, doctors reports, school reports, eye witness accounts and recorded evidence, all resulting in domestic violence victims and child sexual abuse victims frequently being placed in harm’s way, in children being placed into the sole custody of child molesters or child sex traffickers and innocent/ protective parents losing custodial rights and being placed on limited expensive monitored visits, Whereas: court-licensed child sex trafficking has reached epidemic proportions in California , with well-publicized examples including the cases of Jonah Rief, Lexi Dillon and Baby Wyatt and whereas thousands of whom have killed, or repeatedly sodomized and/or raped as a result of California family, probate and paternity court decisions and whereas F.B.I and law enforcement statistics reveal that 70% of children placed into foster care wind up on the streets, often being pimped out as prostitutes and winding up on illegal drugs, and Whereas: (1) no person or child deserved to be judicially punished for being beaten or raped and common decency demands that no child be forced to live with a child molester or child abuser or subjected to sexual slavery (2) no parent or child should be punished for reporting sexual child abuse or other physical child abuse. (3) every child deserves the right to have child abuse exposed and (4) whereas secrecy only helps wrongdoers, encourages continued human rights violations, promotes corruption and miscarriage of justice and serves to limit or eliminate the rights of the innocent to be free from violence, physical abuse and sexual slavery. Therefore be it resolved that: the Patrick Henry Democratic Club of America calls for a financial audit of the holdings, trust funds, vehicles and real property of all family law, probate and paternity judges in the State of California and calls for the removal from office of any judge who ignores significant evidence of domestic violence or child abuse during custody determinations and of any judge who engages in human trafficking or acquiesce with violence, rape or child sexual abuse. Therefore be it further resolved that: the Patrick Henry Democratic Club of America calls for all family law, probate, and paternity court proceedings, including informal in-chamber conferences and off-the-record proceedings, to be video-recorded, calls for these unedited recordings to be made available free of charge to any party who is a victim or purported victim of domestic violence and, in cases involving children, to each of the parents, and further calls for all family law, probate and paternity court proceedings and judicial training sessions to be open to the public and press and/or televised. Sacramento Family Court Corruption at Judicial Council of California July 25 at 11:19am · CALIFORNIA COURT CORRUPTION EPIDEMIC LINKED TO SUPREME COURT CHIEF JUSTICE TANI CANTIL-SAKAUYE A string of court corruption scandals in California - including a ticket fixing scheme uncovered by the FBI in Orange County and an alleged racketeering organization in Sacramento County - are the result of mismanagement and incompetence by the head of the state Judicial Council, Supreme Court Chief Justice Tani Cantil-Sakauye, according to a report by a nonprofit journalism organization. For the full story, including video of a Judicial Council protest, visit the CNN iReport link below. PLEASE help promote this story on the Internet by liking, sharing and tweeting this post AND the CNN iReport article. Your help will ensure the article appears in Google, Bing and Yahoo search results for the Judicial Council, Tani Cantil-Sakauye, and court corruption. terroristic divorce

California Judicial Council Blamed for Court Corruption Epidemic

San Francisco: A string of court corruption scandals in California - including a ticket fixing scheme uncovered by the FBI in Orange County and an alleged racketeering organization in Sacramento Count...

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